Friday, October 14, 2011

Complete Buckwheat Pancake Mix

    * 4 cups whole wheat flour
    * 1 cup buckwheat flour (Natural Grocers)
    * 1/3 cup soy flour (Natural Grocers)
    * 3/4 cup dry buttermilk powder (WalMart carries this, or you can pick up a #10 can if you are in Utah), OR 1 cup of instant nonfat dry milk powder (remember cannery powdered milk is NONinstant, so use 3/4 cup)
    * 1 tablespoon salt
    * 1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
    * 1/2 cup sugar
    * 3/4 cup solid vegetable shortening

You need a large bowl or dish pan to mix this in. Measure the whole wheat flour, buckwheat flour, soy flour, dry buttermilk, salt, baking powder and sugar into the large bowl. Using a whisk or your hands, combine everything so it's evenly distributed. Measure in the shortening. Use your hands to mash it into the dry ingredients, until the mixture is the same consistency as coarse cornmeal. Transfer the mixture to a resealable container. Store on the pantry shelf for about a month, or in the refrigerator or freezer for 6 months. Makes about 7-1/2 cups.

To Prepare:
    * 1 cup Complete Buckwheat Pancake Mix
    * 1/2 cup water
Stir the water and mix together in a small bowl. If the batter seems too thick for pancakes, then add a bit more water and stir again. Drop by 1/4 cupfuls onto a hot, well oiled skillet or griddle. Fry until the bottom of the pancake is brown and the top is dry and covered with small bubbles. Flip the pancake and brown it on the second side. Serve hot with syrup, or Applesauce. Makes 4 pancakes. This recipe can be doubled or tripled as necessary. Good for camping, and mornings when you are rushed.

The soy flour replaces eggs in this recipe, so don't omit it or replace it with something else. If you don't have buttermilk powder, then use a full cup of instant dry milk powder instead. This recipe has a lot of fiber and B vitamins. It is my favorite pancake mix. 

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