Friday, October 14, 2011

White Flour Biscuit Mix

    * 9 cups all-purpose flour
    * 1 1/2 tablespoons salt
    * 1/4 cup baking powder
    * 2 cups solid vegetable shortening

Get out a very large bowl, or a clean, dry dish pan. Mix all of the dry ingredients together first. Then measure the shortening by using a one cup measure to scoop up a big glob of shortening. Pack it down tightly, and level off the top with your finger or a dull knife. Your fingers will get greasy; it's alright, you can wash them later. Scoop the shortening out of the measuring cup into the bowl or dishpan. Measure another cup of shortening the same way. You should put a total of two cups of shortening into the flour. Now use your hands to mix the shortening into the flour. It should only take a few minutes before the mixture resembles lumpy cornmeal in texture.
Store the Biscuit Mix in a tightly sealed canister or clean #10 can. These recipes make about 11 or 12 cups of Biscuit Mix. Use it anywhere else you see Bisquick or Biscuit Mix called for.

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